As a service to our overseas airplane customers, we have developed an expertise in locating in the United States spare parts, accessories, avionics and equipment which might be more expensive or difficult to find in the destination country.



Our extensive sources in the United States usually allow us to offer very fast delivery times and competitive prices. We are fully aware of the specific documentation requirements of each destination country and will arrange to procure the appropriate tags for each part. (Yellow Tag, FAA Form 8130-3, JAA Form One, Certificate of Origin, Export License, etc…).



You can order on line and payment can be arranged on our US bank account, our account in Europe (in Euros) or by credit card (Visa-Mastercard).



Please contact us with you specific needs.






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HUNTERS LAKE – 349 HADEN ROAD Telephone: (1-434) 589-2274
P. O. Box 1050 Fax: (1-434) 589-6798
TROY, VA 22974 USA Email: MarcMosier


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